IT Security in Water management
Information security concept with ISMS
Information security concepts with ISMS – digital protection and prevention with ISMS tool according to DWA / DVGW1060 and ISO 27001

The introduction and operation of an information security concept is mandatory for local authorities. ISO 27001 and the Industry standard DWA/DVGW 1060 specify that an IT Security concept must be submitted by 1 January 2018, for example, in Bavaria. From this moment, municipalities must demonstrate that they have introduced and operated a systematic approach to ensuring IT security permanently.
The implementation of IT security concepts bring major challenges to many operators of water management systems, which is often countered by the involvement of external IT specialists. Practical experience shows that this approach is rarely effective as IT specialists have no knowledge of the processes in water management and the system operators are not familiar with the vocabulary used by IT specialists.
HST has been providing management systems in the water industry for over 35 years, and thus, has both the know-how of processes and technical methods in water management systems, as well as the technical expertise in information technology. Therefore, customers can be ensured that we speak the same language in the joint project.

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A working aid was developed by Bavarian Municipal Innovation Foundation for the creation and implementation of IT security concept in municipalities.
The checklists elaborated in the work aid are completely implemented in the KANiO® ISMS tool, enabling a tailor-made implementation in your company.
KANiO® ISMS offers
- Structured procedures for the identification of new and existing risks
- Action planning, execution and documentation to eliminate or minimize risks
- Procedures for continuous engagement with the topic in the organization (“security culture”), through automated re-submission
- Complete integration of the checklist (the working aid developed by Bavarian Municipality Innovation Foundation)
- Integrated document management
- Support for the establishment of an ISMS according to ISO 27001
- Integrated IT security reports

What is an information security concept?
An information security concept describes a systematic and long-term approach that ensures the aforementioned objectives of information security both technically and organizationally. A concept must be designed to recognize technical, organizational, personnel and legal changes that occur at any time. From these insights, a functioning concept determines essential measures based on new security risks or legal requirements, which must then be addressed in the later stages of the project.

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