Intelli-Machine control| Fast Dimensioning of Weir | Clean electricity from Wastewater | Clear water Decanter HydroKlar-Slide | MUNICIPAL 4.0 | Intelligent Flow measurement / recording

Data acquisition for intelligent measurement
Legally compliant measurement and recording of retention and discharge events with SensoMatic-EMA
HST has constructed approx. 6,000 stormwater retention tanks or special structures with overflows in the past 35 years. We have summarized important information on the topic of measuring and recording retention and discharge events as an orientation guide for you. We are pleased to inform you about various applications, measuring principles and extension possibilities for the improvement of accuracy as well as the automatic calibration of the EMA system. Send us your request and you will receive the printed booklet by mail or by e-mail as ePaper.
Intelligent IT & Automation

Sicheres und wirtschaftliches Betreiben von Anlagen und Organisationen mit dem Prozessleitsystem SCADA.web mit TeleMatic und der Betriebsführungssoftware KANiO®
Mit der intelligenten Vernetzung von Systemen und Daten innerhalb einer Infrastruktur lassen sich Anlagen effizienter betreiben und Prozesse optimieren. Sicher in die Zukunft: Durch die Änderung des IT-Sicherheitsgesetztes fordert der Gesetzgeber geeignete Schutzmaßnahmen zum Schutz kritischer Infrastruktur. Gerne informieren wir Sie über Maßnahmen und Softwarelösungen für kritische Infrastrukturen nach den Standards des BSI. Erleben Sie die Möglichkeiten webbasierter vernetzter Softwareanwendungen von HST wie die Leittechnik SCADA.web, die Betriebsführungssoftware KANiO 4.0 und das Niederschlagsportal NiRA.web.
Hinweis: Unsere Leittechnik SCADA V10 unterstützt die ALL-IP-Technologie und ist damit für die anstehende Umstellung aller Telefonanschlüsse auf die sogenannte All-IP-Plattform bis Ende 2018 gerüstet. Mehr Infos zum Office-Paket der Wasserwirtschaft auf
Intelligent IT & Automation

Intelli-systems make processes and machines more efficient and secured, and intelligent process and machine control is the basis for high operational safety and resource utilization. Prepare for the future with Intelli-systems from HST!
IntelliFlush – Flushing systems for effective and efficient automatic sewer cleaning by generating flush and transport waves
IntelliGrid – A system, together with Jet Cleaners (flow generators), is used for cleaning retention tank effectively and efficiently by the means of optical detection to detect the degree of contamination and need-based cleaning (it only cleans where it is necessary)
IntelliPump – The system enables the control of pumps’ operations in an efficient and effective manner by determining / monitoring the actual operating points
IntelliScreen – Improved retention / screening efficiency through the use of intelligent calculation and screening systems at overflows from the chanal system into the water bodies
Design planning is now faster and easier than ever: with the weir-configurator from HST

Simple configuration and dimensioning of conventional fixed overflow weirs and spillways for dams and systems in design planning with the output of discharge, overflow height, thresholds or flap gates’ length. Test the app at
Clean electricity from contaminated wastewater

Save money with the innovation of water and wastewater turbine.
Our patented and award-winning wastewater turbine for generating electricity from wastewater and flowing water offers municipalities a new option for CO2-free and sustainable way of energy generation.
Best possible performance of SBR wastewater treatment plants

One core component of a SBR treatment system is the clear water discharge system. This component extracts clear wastewater and the floatation of sludge and sediments should be avoided as much as possible. To optimize the performance of a SBR sewage treatment system in all phases, in addition to a suitable SBR control, optimal flexibility in setting the flow rate is of great importance system.
The HST HydroKlar-SLIDE with its control system meets these requirements. Thanks to its unique discharge device, design and universal installation possibilities, the HydroKlar-SLIDE is the HST product mostly frequently installed in clear water discharge systems. Together with the Intelli-SBR control system, this product is the most critical component for the SBR treatment process.
Digital transformation in water management
The MUNICIPAL 4.0 project is one of the 16 winners of the BMWi’s “Smart Service World” technology competition and will be funded for 3 years.
MUNICIPAL 4.0 creates new networking possibilities for a modern and more efficient object and network management, through the realization of Web-based data and service platforms and the corresponding application tools. As the pioneer and consortium leader in this project, HST has significantly shaped the digital changes in the water industry.
Information on partnerships or participation opportunities can be found on our homepage.

Send us your ideas via email:
We have summarized important information on digital transformation in water management as a guide for you. You can find the online magazine on our homepage at