HST digitizes the water sector and offers municipal partners the opportunity to participate in pilot projects
The MUNICIPAL 4.0 project was one of the 16 winners out of around 130 applicants of the technology competition “SMART SERVICE WORLD” of the BMWi. The consortium under the leadership of HST Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG aims at the development of Internet-based data and service platforms in order to enable a sustainable and thus foresighted planning and management of both technical objects and entire infrastructure networks in the water industry through digitalization. In line with the Federal Government’s digitization strategy, the benefits of the digital transformation of the economy and society (keywords such as Industry 4.0, Smart City, Smart Factory) will be transferred to the water sector and comparable infrastructures.
With this project, HST will shape the networking possibilities for a modern and more efficient network management and thus the change through digitalization in the water industry. HST is the only technology company in the water industry that already offers Web-based solutions such as Nira.web, SCADA.web and KANiO.web for the control, monitoring and operational management of water management objects in addition to innovative mechanical engineering products and systems. These will be further developed on the basis of the results of MUNICIPAL 4.0, in particular in consideration of the recently valid IT security law, and combined with corresponding Web-based data and service platforms.

An essential part of the MUNICIPAL 4.0 project is the trial of the planned developments on the basis of real projects in cooperation with municipal network and property operators as so-called associated partners. For this purpose, several cooperation agreements have already been concluded during the application process (e.g. City of Ingolstadt, City of Hagen, City of Siegen) in order to develop pilot applications such as “Simulation and Benchmarking of Water Management Objects”, “Energy and Heat Analysis from Wastewater Flows”, “Connection between Use of Road Salt and Wastewater Treatment in Wastewater Inflows to Sewage Treatment Plants in Winter” or “Gully Management” and to test them in real applications.
Additional pilot projects are planned so that we are looking for further municipalities as associated partners, who want to modernize their management organization due to their network structure and a number of special structures and who demonstrate special potentials for MUNICIPAL 4.0. The municipalities are explicitly addressed who, as participants in this model project supported by the Federal Government, want to actively shape the digitization of water management together with the other project partners and take on a pioneering role.


Günter Müller-Czygan
Division Manager Process Engineering
+49 (0) 291-9929-44
Typical applications for MUNICIPAL 4.0 are:
- Overloaded sewage treatment plants and stormwater tanks
- Activation of storage capacity / reduction of discharges/overflows
- Networking of regulating devices or flow controllers
- Structured management
- Network-wide organized monitoring, alerting and reporting
Integration of precipitation data for monitoring/control/maintenance of special structures and networks
BigData: Automated evaluation of various process data for quick assessment of processes and conditions
List of Pilot projects as PDF-Data (141 kB)
When participating in the pilot projects, the associated partners have to cover their own expenses. If a certain level of technical investment is required (e.g. sensors, automation technology or similar), it can be expected, in many cases, that separate funding will be available for this purpose.
Download Short-Application form for Participation in Pilot Projefcts as PDF-Data (106 kB)
Benefits for participating municipalities:
Municipalities, as associative partners, receive the following services from the project consortium during the funding period:
- Creating an IoT configurators for their water management facilities
- Creating of a study/potential analysis for efficiency improvement and management
- Recommendations for conducting a security analysis of your cyberphysical systems to implement the new IT security law according to §8a BSI law
There are other advantages for the participants of MUNICIPAL 4.0:
- Over the duration of the funding project, associated partners will receive free access to all freely accessible application developments and can submit further proposals for their own application tools, which, as far as covered by the project budget, are developed free of charge
- Invitation to workshops to exchange experiences and to develop ideas on the theme of MUNICIPAL 4.0, as well as to in-house workshops on IT security
- Support in the searching and application process for subsidies for additional funding and investment within the pilot projects
- Associated partners receive an invitation to participate in the “network initiative MUNICIPAL 4.0”, a grouping of selected municipalities, associations, research institutions and companies who want to discuss trends, challenges and solutions of digitization in municipal water management and establish standards in the form of joint publications.
In return, the participating municipalities agree to contribute the following services to the project:
- Provision of general plans for water supply and sewage treatment with central and special structures
- Provision of equipment and site inspection
- Participation in events in the context of the funding project MUNICIPAL 4.0 and the network initiative MUNICIPAL 4.0
Associated partners commit themselves to provide the best possible support for the MUNICIPAL 4.0 project and allow the cooperation partners to report publicly on the respective pilot projects, e.g. on the project website www.kommunal4null.de.