SMART Machine

Your Benefits
- “Bullet shaped” bars reduce hydraulic losses resulting in a reduction of the upstream water level
- Fully automatic cleaning device for safe operation
- Automatic message send to service team in case of a malfunction
- Stainless steel construction
- Optional: integrated tele control and operation data recording
- Storm water retention tanks
- Pre-treatment for soil filter
- Combined sewer channels
- Any kind of overflow structure (CSO)
Reference Images

Questions to the product?
Contact us!

Christopher Becker
Head of Product Management
Tel:+49 291 9929 23
Email: Christopher.Becker@hst.de

Richard Ernst
Executive Director
+49 (0) 7175-921032
Email: Richard.Ernst@hst.de
When water flows go through the HSR-Screen, floating debris are retained by the screening area. The screening area consists of parallel bars. Several cleaning trolleys, which are equipped with rakes, clean the screen surface in clockwise and anticlockwise motion. Cleaning is done before and between the bars. The discharge of the screenings to a low-flow zone takes place on the upper side and remains in the inlet. The cleaning unit is driven electro-hydraulically with a hydraulic cylinder.
If the screen system is additionally equipped with a traversing device, the screen will automatically be moved out of the relief cross section when laid (optional version).
Machine Technology
- Other materials
- Strong bars
- Oil-tray stainless steel
- Level and temperature measurement
- Stowage wall for the horizontal position
- Baffle plate for the vertical position
- Stowage flap behind the screen
- Divided Screen
- Screen sluice
IntelliScreen Automation
Improved retention / filtering effect through the use of intelligent screening / – filter systems for overflows from the sewer system into the water.
Efficient fabric retention and increase of water quality through additional filtering.
Switching system:
- Switching system
- Hand level via switch
- With external carbinet
- TeleMatic
- smartSCADA
- Level Measurement
- smartKANiO
- Electronic volume evaluation
Divided Screen
Product in the system