Intelligent and future-oriented clear water drainage device for small SBR sewage plants

The „System Hydro-Klar“ clear water discharge equipment can be implemented in a variety of ways in both water supply systems and in wastewater treatment plants. In SBR water treatment plants, they are used for separating clear water during the SBR process. The automatic and optionally opacity measurement-regulated system extracts the clear water to the receiving stream in a process-controlled manner (according to time and volume). By selecting the maximum extraction quantity, the reserves for the flushing process can be significantly increased. Using the supplied HydroMatic control the regulation of the outflow quantity and is adjusted based on the current water level. The Hydro-Klar-Slide design is suitable for both small and large tank geometries thanks to its compact construction. Due to the installation of the clear water extraction equipment on the tank wall, direct operation and maintenance access are guaranteed and can be observed without limitations at any time. Movable pipe connections are not required.

Your Benefits
- Horizontal extraction via weir edge in combination with variable speed drive
- Baffle against floating sludge output
- Sludge weir against activation sludge entry
- No movable pipe connections
- Direct maintenance access thanks to wall installation
- Systematic type construction range in modular construction
- HydroMatic control. Optionally, using opacity measurements, reduction of the decanting phase.
- Clear water extraction in new systems or existing SBR systems
- Filtrate water extraction
- Filtrate water deduction
- Process water extraction
In drinking water treatment plants, the Hydro- Klar-SLIDE/P is used in sedimentation tanks for extracting the clear water phase
Questions about the product?
Contact us!

Günter Müller-Czygan
Division Manager Process Engineering
+49 (0) 291-9929-44