Stormwater protection – Monitored and Controlled from the City Hall
In the Bavarian (Germany), municipality of Görisried HST has installed one of the most modern stormwater holding tanks (15m high and 110m long). The stormwater release takes place via two float controlled weirs (ASK-Weirs) in the holding wall which automatically and without any input of external energy open when the storage target level is reached. These weirs do not require any external energy input. This means that should an event occur there is a maximum of operating security. In addition, optimum usage is made of storage volume. The entire technical outfitting of the tank was carried out by HST in the second half of 2011. All functions, equipment activation and condition reporting are carried out by the HST control system SCADA V10 (HydroDat/SCADA.web) which monitors, reports and in the case of a fault occurring sends a signal to the on-call staff responsible. The Internet-based portal SCADA.web allows access to the plant from the city hall or from any other computer with internet access. The local precipitation documentation is provided by the HST meteorological portal. The planning started in June 2009 and construction began a year later. The plant was completed and handed over in October 2011.
HST Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Heinrichsthaler Straße 8
D-59872 Meschede
Tel. +49 - (0) 291-9929-0
Fax. +49 - (0) 291-7691